Monday, June 25, 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane Called Lufthansa

You know those times when you're a day away from something that you've been looking forward to for ages and you're freaking out because you're not done packing yet? That's me right now.

We're leaving for France tomorrow on my first mission trip!! Ok, well, actually it's also my first time out of the country (yeah, go ahead and laugh). Mom and I are going with an amazing group of people from an awesome online school called Landry Academy (I spent an amazing 2 weeks at Landry Academy science camps in Banner Elk NC!). We're all very grateful to YWAM (Youth With A Mission) for setting us up with our host family and the people we'll be ministering to.

So who exactly are we ministering to, and what can you do to help (other than read and comment on my blod posts!)? We're blessed to be able to serve a family of Romanian Gypsies in a small city near Marseille. Throughout the week, we'll get to know them, help them, and teach them about God's salvation. The best way to help us is to keep us in your prayers! "[We] can do all things through Him who gives [us] strength.” Philippians 4:13. Your prayers would be very much appreciated, and we'll pray for y'all as well :).

So what am I planning to do with this blog? Something amazing, fresh, incroyable? It’s very unlikely, seeing as my blogging skills are almost non-existent :P. I'll try to post pictures, maybe short video clips, and hopefully at least a daily post to let anyone who's interested know what's going on! If I don’t post, I probably just forgot (if you’ve ever looked at any of my other blogs, you’ll know that’s usually the case). If you're interested, click the pretty little 'follow' button on the side of this blog. I'd appreciate it :D.

Shoot me an email, FaceBook message, Veritas message, text message, or a message by pigeon carrier bird with your mailing address, and I’ll try to send you a postcard!

Au revoir for now!!

PS--This was meant to be yesterday's post.